United Call for 

Education Systems Reform

The Statement

School communities, education organisations, researchers and policymakers are increasingly acknowledging that, while academic knowledge has an important role in the development of the child, so too does the development of competences (knowledge, skills, and dispositions). The succinct statement below aims to create a united voice expressing urgency for action leading to change:

Education systems continue to emphasise a narrow definition of student success based on assessments limited to a few academic disciplines. These models are being challenged by radical and fast-paced societal, environmental and technological changes. We must reform education systems to focus on developing individual and collective capacities to support human flourishing.

1 Legacy systems

“The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating [people] who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.” — Jean Piaget

We know that well-educated future generations are key to human flourishing, and there is no lack of motivation to improve current educational systems. Yet significant progress in nourishing human potential has proven elusive. Many efforts to break free from current modelsーmodels driven by high-stakes test-based assessment, in which we rank students who most often learn with peers of the same age, with an adherence to standardised curriculum and academic competitionーmight best be considered tinkering. 

We acknowledge that there exist models of bold reform. You are appreciated and your work is important. You also know that you are rowing against the tide of an enterprise locked into deep and unyielding mindsets. 

Assessment based accountability systems thought to improve individual student results and life prospects have not delivered on their promise. Further, the impact on students of some current educational structures may be worse than merely neutral; for example, over reliance on testing may narrow both curriculum and instruction and have a detrimental impact on student and teacher well-being.

We are engaged in a pedagogical tug of war in which one end of the rope is anchored by an unbudging educational paradigm with a history that is over 150 years old. The knot shows little sign of loosening, despite evidence from standardised testing itself that shows few significant gains in achievement, such as SAT results, no appreciable closing of racial and economic achievement gaps, as was the goal of federal education laws in the United States, and vast swaths of the world struggling in international measures, such as PISA. Unfortunately, when confronted with lacklustre results, our impulse is to double down on current strategies, encouraging more emphasis on testing and teaching, further narrowing the curriculum and increasing the potential negative impact on student well being. This is a cycle we need to break.

Learning is often spontaneous, moving in fits and starts, sometimes slowly, sometimes with great speed, and never in isolation. We, like so many other living (and non-living, e.g. artificial intelligence) beings, learn through trial and error, testing, probing, following, socialising, mimicking. In schools we often organise our work according to management practises that do not necessarily reflect the nature of learning. Learning does not require one period a day of mathematics, and then another period of history, then another for study hall, science, and physical education. 

Rigid models require continual “accommodation” for those learners who are different from the abstract model learner for whom a standardised system is created. There are learners who cannot sit still but are required to do so and those who are slower or faster than their peers but are required to forge ahead without little understanding or wait for their peers to catch up. These learners face a barrier to learning in the system they have been placed in, without our questioning often enough if it is the system that is the barrier, not the energetic students who learn at their own paceーan apt description of every student who is a healthy young human being. 

When the purpose of education is overly defined by test-based affirmations of achievement, how much space is left for the fostering of essential skills such as creativity, self-management, resilience, perseverance, and critical thinking? And is the space that is left a productive one for nurturing those essential skills? If education as it has been serves to stifle, even for some students, natural human curiosity, creativity, and the propensity for learning, we need to change course.

Sir Ken Robinson believed that creativity should be treated with the same status as literacy. Are the results of our latest standardised test results (be it MAP, the SAT, the IB, or any other) getting in the way of balanced learning in an educational age that begs for greater inclusion, access, and differentiation? Noam Chomsky encouraged us to learn “the riches of the past to try to internalise the parts of them that are significant to you. Carry that quest for understanding further in your own way.” And further: “The purpose of education from that point of view is just to help people determine how to learn on their own.” [1]

This is the challenge we face: How do we build a future educational system that uplifts the innate human drive for knowledge and self discovery with the perceived need to evaluate, measure, and compare academic performance?

[1] Learning without Frontiers. (2012, February 1). Noam Chomsky: The purpose of education [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdNAUJWJN08  

2 Fast-paced changes

“From the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential peril.” ー Klaus Schwab

It took 24,000,000 years for our ancestors to learn how to use fire, but only 24,000 days for humanity to go from learning how to fly to landing on the moon. Education today is preparing students for a tomorrow that is increasingly difficult to predict. Technology has accelerated the scope and pace of change, pushing people and societies to reimagine themselves continually. Global climate change is a significant stressor, driving rapid loss of biodiversity and increasingly desperate migration. The world's many interlocking complex adaptive systems require deep understanding and wise management as humankind steps tentatively toward living beyond Planet Earth. At the same time, extraordinary and sometimes frightening developments are stretching the boundaries between humans and machines as computational power and algorithmic thinking meet ultramodern biotechnologies. Extreme poverty and vast economic inequalities challenge the idea of just and peaceful societies, and the need to find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity is as great as ever.

Paradigm-changing developments in technology are prompting profound reflection and debate about what it means to be human. Uniquely human traits are being elevated as the subjects of interest and concern for education, including judgement, intuition, subtle yet effective communication, imagination, and empathy. History is redefining the role of people as agents of change who must become better decision makers about how to shape and use the power of rapid technological advances, requiring greater skill in accelerated decision making, and exceptional levels of organisational agility. Rapid development in technology and a proliferation of new (and often previously silenced) voices offer bold new opportunities for education. Exciting innovations beckon in digital assessment, credentialing, personalisation, and alternative learning design.

Striking dilemmas and complicated conflicts of interest require new ways of thinking, and amplify the need for reasoned ethical deliberation and action. Interruptions and distortions in the free movement of goods, ideas, and people add further uncertainty and impede effective collaboration. The commodification of knowledge, surveillance capitalism, intercultural conflict, epistemological challenges posed by social networks, along with the reinvention of journalism and mass media—all these developments can add stress and spawn confusion.

Against this background, younger generations face significant transitions in society that contain within them enormous potential for transformation. With a quickening tempo of catastrophe, climate anxiety, and ecological grief, the world is being reframed as an increasingly dangerous place. A new landscape demands people have not only foundational skills and deep understanding, but also civic engagement, shared wisdom, and globally competent leadership that can help individuals and societies navigate adversity. At the same time, maintaining hope and working together with optimistic determination is required to build a better and more peaceful world.

3 Need for reform

To be truly visionary we have to root our imagination in our concrete reality while simultaneously imagining possibilities beyond that reality.” 一 bell hooks

We have a moral obligation to provide the best education possible, in every country, no matter the economic status and cultural background of their citizens.

The challenge is significant. Nationalism is pronounced and democracies may be fighting for their survival, just as we most need international collaboration to face the unprecedented challenge of an accelerating climate crisis. There may actually be a decline in worldwide educational reform efforts over the past few decades, even as the pace of change accelerates, increasing the gap between what we’ve accepted as the best we can do with the demands that will be placed on our children, and our children’s children.

An alternative to test-driven schooling is often termed progressive education, with attributes like a focus on the whole child, collaboration, intrinsic motivation, and lifelong learning  to name a few. Often test-driven education and progressivism pit content vs. skills, standardisation vs customization, and rigour vs. curiosity against each other. The result is polarisation and further time spent reinforcing the status quo. There is safety in the stalemate, so we turn back to measuring achievement when what we need is more investment in the struggle with the biggest of ideas, the ones that build our intellectual wellbeing, our ability to critically reason, to doubt, to verify and to move ahead.

We will not succeed in educational reform by joining a standoff. As the quote attributed to Buckminster Fuller has it: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” [1]. It is time for daring new models.

[1] Sieden, L. S. (2012). A Fuller View: Buckminster Fuller’s Vision of Hope and Abundance for All. Divine Arts Media. ISBN 9781611250091

4 Individual and collective capacities to support human flourishing

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" 一 Helen Keller

Human flourishing means the human condition is allowed to develop fully, that we are able to reach an inner sense of fulfilment, perhaps rising to the top of a hierarchy of human needs, that space where our potential is realised. From Plato to Thomas More to the Diggers and Quakers to William Morris, Gandhi, and the residents of Fristaden Christiania, there have been various “modern” ideas on how we might realise our potential, to say nothing of concepts rooted in indigenous, tribal, and non-Western philosophies. Today, school can be that place. Schools can be open to anyone of any income, race, or gender, schools can make knowledge and information available to all, and schools can have an ethos of equality where no bully of any kind is tolerated. Respect for the earth, each other, and oneself is actively taught. Respect guides our disciplinary codes. Adults are invited to co-create a healthy environment because they demonstrate a genuine caring spirit, they are champions of knowledge, and they wish to guide younger generations to flourish. 

There are plenty of examples of groups, movements, and initiatives working on the reimagining of schools and what we might include in our definition of achievement to encourage human flourishing. There is the Essential Schools movement, the Forest Schools, the Green Schools National Network, outdoor and place based education, Reggio Emilia and Montessori schools. There are advocacy groups, like those pushing to change instruction in economics through Regenerative Economics, efforts to allow for national graduation standards to include competency based education like through the Aurora Institute, real work on changing how transcripts are developed, e.g through the Mastery Transcript Consortium and the Ecolint Learner Passport, and basing education in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through the Global Citizen Diploma, Inspire Citizens, and the Global Citizenship Collective, to name a few. There are strategic planning consultants like the Big Questions Institute that are moving schools to be futures based and calls to give nature a seat on the school board. There are new school models like Agora and initiatives at the instructional level with blueprints for more student agency like eduScrum. There is the ongoing movement to stress Universal Design for Learning, cooperation rather than competition with Generative AI, and to make the CASEL standards a benchmark for SEL programming. This is not an exhaustive list. There is good work going on around the world, with more hopeful initiatives starting every day. 

Reform is not solely for the privileged few. All of us around the world, regardless of our multitude of contexts and economic differences, can size up our current status and incorporate deeper learning, make schools more accessible and more inclusive, and place competencies and skills on a par with academic content. In essence, we must create an educational culture in which schools themselves grow through constant iterations, just as teachers create a classroom culture for their students to do the same. 

We recognize that reform can happen in many settings and scales. Adaptations in individual classrooms qualify as reform, change efforts in the margins of rigid systems are reform, and wholly reimagined alternative structures are reform. We recognize that both successful and unsuccessful reforms may represent progress and we recognize that all attempts of reform are bound, but not determined, by culture.

Let us remember to measure the worth of schooling by the emotions it stirs within students, teachers, and all of us, not merely by academic achievement. Fortunately emotions of wonder, curiosity, justice, scholarship, and achievement are not the property of any particular educational faction or movement, they are the stuff of a healthy learner, supported by healthy teachers. 

Creating wonder provides a shared ethos open to a variety of approaches. We shall do more schooling that lights students’ eyes and lifts their voices. We shall do less schooling that dulls their senses and quiets them. We must let those working most closely with students, our teachers, provide space for wonder and make decisions that lead to more of it. We will put “individuals and actions over processes and tools,” [1] while not denying that processes and tools also play a role in our profession.

We have no time to waste.

[1] Agile Alliance. (2001, February 13). Manifesto for Agile Software Development. Agile Manifesto. https://agilemanifesto.org/ 

This project is a result of the collective work of a great number of people within The Coalition to Honour All Learning over several years. The statement and supporting documentation were developed and written by: Paul Magnuson, Robert Harrison, James Mattiace, Nicholas John Reeves, Alison Carl, Teresa Tung, Conrad Hughes and 

Irina Lupu.

The complete list of references and inspiration pieces for this work are available here

The PDF version of the statement and supporting documentation can be accessed here.


Faith Abiodun, Executive Director, The United World Colleges International

Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Director General, International Baccalaureate Organisation

Jane Larsson, Executive Director, Council of International Schools (CIS)

Conrad Hughes, Director General, International School of Geneva

Aaryan Salman, Director General, Global Citizenship Foundation

Bambi Betts, Principals' Training Center (PTC) and The International Educator (TIE)

Nicholas John Reeves, Headmaster, Colegio Colombo Britanico

Paul Magnuson, Director of Research and Professional Learning, Leysin American School 

James Mattiace, Co-Founder, Consultant, Our Sole Success

Alison Carl, Lower School Principal, Thuringia International School

Teresa Tung, Secondary School Principal, Hong Kong Academy

Narin Stassis, Chair, Board of Directors, International Schools Association 

Lizzie Bray, Director of Education Programmes, Amala Education

Mike Flanagan, CEO, Mastery Transcript Consortium

Michael Vizdos, Strategic Advisor, Blueprint Education School District / ScrumInSchool.org / AgileInEducation.org 

Callum Philbin, Lecturer and Researcher in International Education, NHL Stenden

Margarita Mansola, Educational Psychologist CPsychol, Educational Consultant

Mehdi Lazar, Assistant Head of School, International School of Boston

Lloyd Holmes, High School Principal, Hillel Academy

Raquel Scarpa-Gebara, PhD researcher, Wolfson College, Faculty of Education University of Cambridge

Patrick Alexander, Professor of Education and Anthropology, Oxford Brookes University 

Steven Stander, IB Examiner and Educator, Keystone Academy

Robert Michael Burnside, Senior Learning Advisor, Nomadic Learning 

Michèle Lehmann-Kim, Owner Founder Noonchi.ch

Cleonel A. Bottex, Theory of Knowledge Coordinator/Teacher and University/Careers Counsellor, International College Spain

Tim Logan, Co-Lead of IB Festival of Hope and producer of Future Learning Design, Future Learning Design

Kerry Wickersham, Head of Music & CAS Coordinator, Sotogrande International School

Denrol Carayol, IB MYP Coordinator and Mathematics Teacher, International School of Dakar

Wolfgang Soeldner, Board Member, Technology Readiness Council

Jack George, Assistant Head, Aiglon College

Richard Owens, Director, Woodleigh Institute

Ruchira Ghosh, Director of Learning - India, International Schools Partnership

Barry Dequanne, Director, International School of Zug and Luzern

Steven Negrete, Middle School/High School Dean of Students, Anglo-American School of Sofia

Ken O'Connor, Author/Consultant, AFS Inc

Louie Barnett, Learning and Innovation Lead, Amala Education

Bill Tihen, Software Engineer (prior STEM Teacher), Leysin American School

Lee Ann Jung, Founder, Lead Inclusion

Greg Mullen, Founder, Exploring the Core LLC

Chris M. Olson, Founder, Olson Enterprises

Conan De Wilde, Head of School, H-FARM International Schools

Irina Lupu, Ecolint Learner Passport Lead, International School of Geneva

Ken Darvall, Principal, Tema International School

Peter T. Howe, Executive Director, Prague City University

Nancy Fairburn, Director of Teaching and Learning, NIST International School

James Dalziel, Head of School, NIST International School

Craig Couttsm, Head of School, Yokohama International School

Kevin House, Group Education Futures Architect, Green School, School of Humanity and Dulwich College International

Susie Clifford, Director of Learning, Yokohama International School

Benjamin Sheridan, Director of Learning, 407 Learning

Angela Meikle, Head of IB World Schools, International Baccalaureate Organisation

Terri Walker, Senior IB World Schools Manager, International Baccalaureate Organisation

Radha Pillay, Education Director,  The United World Colleges International

Chad Hyatt, Education Consultant/School Administrator, International Baccalaureate World Schools

Michelle Blanchet, Teacher Trainer/Consultant, The Educators' Lab

Christoph Ott, Managing Director, Quality Schools

Jauwairia Nasir, Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Human-centered AI, University of Augsburg

Niki Cooper-Robbins, PhD Candidate, University of Chester

Jeff Burstein, Chief Student Advocate, L-EAF.org

Emily Feistritzer, Founder/President,  Future Teaching Institute

Simon Holzapfel, CEO/Co-founder, L-EAF Lab

Steven Stander, IBDP/IBMYP Educator, Keystone Academy - Beijing

Beth Skelton, Consultant, Educational Consultants, LLC

Alice M. Patton, School Counsellor, Alaska Public Education (formerly International Schools)

John Harlin, Director Emeritus, Leysin American School

Carol Lai, CAS Coordinator / Math Teacher, International School of Debrecen

Joy Tsao, Section Chief of International Education and IBDP English teacher, Taoyuan Municipal Dayuan International Senior High School

Barbara Braun, Head of School, Lilima Montessori High School

Cleonel A. Bottex, Doctoral Candidate (Education) focusing on Epistemic Cognition, Johns Hopkins University

Tomas Duckling, Deputy School Director, Aiglon College

Estelle Hughes, Secondary School Principal, International School of Dakar

Bob Sugden, High School Programme Coordinator, International School of Zug and Luzern

Tanya Surawski,  IB Programme Leader/ Vice Principal (International School of Abu Dabi) & Doctoral Candidate (Wilkes University)

Willy WIjnands, eduScrum Founder & Teacher

Alisa Popa, Learning Consultant, eduScrum

Anca Macovei Vlasceanu, Founder | Head of School (Mark Twain International School) & CEO (Romanian Education Alliance &  MTIS Education)

Sara Bermudez, Senior Innovation & Transformation Manager | Founder, Concentrix | feelfoodflow

Martijn Derksen, Teacher, Fontys

Carolina de Castro Sollero, Teacher, eduScrum

Carla M.A. Pinto, Professor, Polytechnic of Porto

Mark Barthel, Economics Teacher & eduScrum user

Marije Ammerlaan, Music Teacher, Visser ‘t Hooft Lyceum

Paulina Orbitowska-Fernandez, Certified Trainer of NonViolent Communication (NVC),eduScrum Trainer, coach, mediator, MindSonar analyst 

Orlando Mendieta Enriquez, Teacher, Univalle

Ghita Sekkat, Trainer, EduScrum

Pauline Maring, Owner, Nexxdott

Helen Pereira-Raso, Head of School, Canadian Independent School

Douglas Itkin, Punlic School Substitute Teacher and Agile Scrum Consultant

Xupian Jiang, Middle School Teacher, Presidio Knolls School

Juanjo Mena, Associate professor and Head of Department of Education, University of Salamanca

Kristen MacConnell, Elementary School Principal, American School of Barcelona

Lene Rachel Andersen, President, Nordic Bildung

Baden Dowie, Design Teacher, eduScrum

Robert Tomalin, Principal (Head of School), Oeiras International School

Μargarita Mansola, Educational Psychologist | Educational Consultant on Quality Inclusive Education and School Well Being

Barack Jean, Hub Lead, Learnlife Rwanda

Daniel Kerr,  Middle School Principal, Saigon South International School

Kevin Page,  Education Consultant,  Director Emeritus ISBerne

Victor Gonzalez,  Teacher | Workshop leader | Book author,  International School of Bremen | Open University of Catalonia | Cambridge University Press

Daniel McHugh,  Headteacher,  Al Ain British Academy

Whitney Retzer, Director of Engagement, Micro Schools Network

Roser Cervera, Director, Language Centre, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)

Lee Hole, School Principle, Dubai Bristish School

Michiel Tolman, Director, De Bildung Academie

George Puckering, Director of Studies P-12, Acknowledge Education 

Alejandro Solernó, Headmaster, Villa Devoto School

Lural Ramirez, Head of School, UWC Thailand

Carl Williams, Managing Partner, 44Red

Cornelia  Adzo, Vice Principal | Academic Counsellor, Ghana Christian International High School

Adam Seymour, Assistant Head, La Côte International School

Deniece Wheeler, Independent Education Consultant, COBIS | High Performance Learning

Ian Smith, Principal | Independant Schools Association

Theo Wyne, Secondary IB English and TOK teacher, UWC Costa Rica

Chris Hayden, Capstone Coordinator, Western Academy of Beijing

Andrea Stanberg, CEO | Gems of Character, Facilitator | The Virtues Project

Svetlana Belic Malinic, CEO and Global Director of Education, Education for Serbia Foundation | Educate International

Marko Savic, Freelance Higher Education Expert

Annica Kallebo, PhD Candidate, Stockholm University

David Hawley, Consultant | Head of School, Retiring Head of Lycée Français de New York

María Fernanda García, CEO, Learny Teams

Ann-Marie Mendes, Business Development Manager, Cegos Suisse

Samuel Fairclough, Academic Dean, Le Rosey

Santanu Bhowmik, Head of Mathematics, International School of Nice

Jonathan Snell, Head of Digital Learning, Le Régent International School

Jayne Pletser, Owner & Consultant, Quality Education for All

Nancy Lhoest-Squicciarini, Head of Middle Leader Certificate, ECIS

Hebatallah Gaber, MYP Teacher, GEMS Education

Laura Angélica Gamboa Cavazos, Director, Universidad de Monterrey

Umberto Cannella, Secondary school Physics and Mathematics Teacher,  Scuola Pontificia Pio IX

Jamie Laycock, Head of Biology, The Glasgow Academy

Adrian Ireland, DP Educator and Special Project Coordinator, International School of Düsseldorf

Matthew Raggett, Director, Thurungia International School

Daniela Silva, Director of Innovation, CoSN

Katrina Edmunds, Academic Counsellor, International School of Lausanne

Tom Collin, Founder, Holo Tracker

Jaya Ramchandani, Faculty, UWC ISAK Japan

Sue Kay, School Director, The Couryard International School

Enayat Nasir, PhD Candidate, State Univeristy of New York at Albany

Anjana Anand, Principal Counsellor, Inomi Learning

John Mikton, Technology for Learning Coordinator, International School of Geneva

Zeina Hojeij, Associate Professor, Zayed University

Ricardo Vieira, Deputy Head of Primary, Shenzhen Foreign Languages (GBA) Academy 

Preeti Hingorani, Senior Education Advisor | Vice President Education Reform, Cambridge University Press and Assessment | Partnership for Education

Ludvig Claeson, Secretary General, The Adult Education Association of Music in Norway

David Ardley, Founding Principal, AI Hokair Group

Xavier Aragay Tusell, President, Reimagine Education

Sarah Lalaz, Student Cousellor | CAS Coordinator, International School of Geneva

Darcy Bakkegard, Change Consultant | Professional Development Designer, The Educators' Lab

Anita Gleave, CEO, Chatsworth and Blenheim Schools

Maen Al Awes, Education Specialist | EdD Student, Oxford Brookes University

Stephen Taylor, Director of Innovation in Learning & Teaching, Western Academy of Beijing

Alix du Toit, Chief Strategy Officer, Reflective Learning

Tina Marie Hennessy, Teacher Trainer, TEFL

Jeremy Melton, Teacher, Leysin American School

Eric O'Bryant, Middle School Principal, American School of Tegucigalpa

Christopher Horton, Elementary School Administrator, Asociacion Escuelas Lincoln

Maria Valente Chaudary, History and Political Science Teacher | Curriculum Development Lead, ES American School

Vickie Swann, Consultant | Coach | Advocate,  Vickie Swann Consulting | American School Foundation

Nick Gossett, Higher Education Spacialist, Avant Assessment

Stephanie Drynan, Incoming Head of School, American Foundation School - Chiapas Mexico

Ruth Herrin, Secondary Assistant Principal, American International School of Guangzhou

Jennifer Brandsberg-Engelmann, Education-Activist (former IBDP/MYP teacher/leader), Regenerative Economics

Soraya Sayed Hassen, Secondary and Campus Principal, International School of Geneva

Nunana Nyomi, Incoming Secondary Scool Principle (Campus des Nations), International School of Geneva

Sylvie Renaudin, Secretary to the Governing and to the Conférence des Directeurs, International School of Geneva

Nicola Cosgrove, Physical education department Head, Leysin American School

Crystal DiMiceli, Educator, Forces for Nature, LLC

Carine Saltoon, Technical Logistics and Timetable Manger, International School of Geneva

Jacob Huckle, Head of Multilingual Learning, Dulwich College Suzhou 

Laura Hamilton, Assistant Head IB DP, Aiglon College

Paige Freeborn, Teacher/Coordinator, Brockton School

Armin Sieber, Principal, Integrale Tagesschule Winterthur

Chris Muller,  Lecturer, The Education University of Hong Kong

d'Arcy Lunn, Group Head of Sustainability and Global Citizenship, Education in Motion | Teaspoons of Change

Ben Hunter, Assistant Head of School, ES American School

Stacey Whaley, Director and former educator, Linn County Parks and Recreation

Lori J Lauscher, Coordinator American International Section/BFI, Lycee Francais International Panama

Julie Touber, Lecturer, Swiss Hotel Management School

Bill Hatcher, Innovation Coordinator, International School of Panama

David Barrett, Teacher, International School of Geneva

Mike Keaney, Teacher, BASIS Independent Manhattan

Juan David Lopez, MSHS Principal, The American School Foundation of Monterrey

Stephen Dare, Head of School, Hong Kong Academy

Maryam Noor Yunus, Acting Head and Vice Principal, Smart Innovations School

Bogdan Manu, Project Manager, eduScrum

Robert Wells, Founding Director, MELD Institute

Erica Tompkins Fraccaro, Consultant and Academic in Children’s Rights, University of Geneva

Gianfranca Loi, PhD Candidate - University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), Primary Specialist | Teacher - Copperfield International School

Nicola Sparrow, School Director, Aiglon College

Eivind Lodemel, Systems Transformation Course designer | Head of HS Music,  United World College of South East Asia

Mirna Hafez-Farah, Primary School Principal, International School of Geneva

Elena Lecertua, Primary Pedagogical Coordinator, Ecole Moser

Zoe Badcock, HS Sustainability Lead | IB ESS Teacher, International School of Zug and Luzern

Samantha Olson-Wyman, Elementary Principal, Colegio Maya

Jancey Clark, Academic Coordinator, United World College Maastricht

Zainab Asif, Grade Level Lead, Taaleem Education

Trillium Hibbeln, Director - Accreditation and School Improvement, New England Association of Schools and Colleges

Anne Knock, Lead - Strategy and Culture, The Learning Future

Debjani Mukherjee, Teaching and Learning coordinator | K20 Design Faculty, Zhuhai International School 

Ben Hren, Director of the Centre for Abundance, Arbor School 

Wayne Johnson, Head of School, International School of Belgium

Gerry De Fazio, Head of Learning, Strategy and Innovation, Montcrest School

Beth Ponsford, Teacher of English Literature, Institut Le Rosey

Jean Claude Chalouhi, Superintendent, English Modern School

Patrick Macaulay, Principal, ISGR

Hazel Allen, Primary School Principal, International School of Geneva

Justin Nadir, Deputy Principal, Invictus International School Cambodia

Karl Sebire, Director of Research & Practice, University of Melbourne

Nikki Marie De Marco, Visual Arts Teacher, UWC Red Cross Nordic

Kerri Valencia, Chief Executive Officer, ConnectEd Consulting, LLC

Ebru Taylan, PhD, founder of YSA, eduScrum trainer, Young Scientist Academy

Marie Favret, Secondary School Principal, The International School of Azerbaijan 

Jennifer Oelz, Teacher | Coordinator, International School of Bergen

Juliana Ragusa, High School Coordinator, Escola Internacional de Alphaville

Beth Hankoff, Teacher, Encourage Education Services

Shwetangna Chakrabarty, Academic Dean | The International School of Tanganyika, Editor | The International Educator

Jake Madden, Group Head of Schools, Aoba

Kailyn Fullerton, Wellbeing Coordinator, New Zealand School Jakarta

Isla Gordon, Campus and Primary School Principal, International School of Geneva

John William Bray, Director of Learning, iArticulate Mentors

Nicole Swedlow, Executive Director, Compass Education

Raya Bidshahri, Founder & CEO, School of Humanity

Gabriel Ernesto Abad Fernandez, School Support and Evaluation Officer, Council of International Schools

Roberto Catanuto, PhD / Teacher of Mathematics, IIS Vanoni Menaggio

Elaine Reimann, Course Facilitator, Compass Education

Alye Mendus, Independant Scholar and Author, 'Searching for the Ideal School Around the World'

Benjamin Freud, Head of Upper School, Green School Bali

Sandra Steiger, Teacher Trainer | Lecturer - Action Research | Qualitative Research

Shalini Advani, School Advisor & NEASC Commissioner, Pathways Governor & NEASC 

Liz Whitewolf, Founding Director, eduFAB

Michèle Andrews, Executive Director, DoorNumberOne.org

Debbie O'Hara, Adult Learning Coordinator, International School of Amsterdam

Hermione Paddle, Teacher, Bavarian International School

Beth Stark, UDL and Inclusionary Practices Strategist for International Schools, ECIS

Jean Backary, Founding Hub Lead, Learnlife Rwanda

Ali Mohamed Ali, Teacher, UWC Changshu 

Ciaran Doyle, Dean of Experiential Learning, UWC Changshu

Eliot Mannoia, Digital Psychologist, Consultant & probono work with schools

Teresa Torzicky, Founder, BID - Gemeinsam Bildung stärken 

Robert Barnett, Co-Founder & Chief Program Officer, Modern Classrooms Project

Jon Ortega Uzquiaga, Co-founder | AI lead scientist | CTO, AIEDUTECH

Dan Kenley, Retired High School Principal 

Kieran Burgess, Head of Secondary School, Raha International School Khalifa City Campus

Kristin Ducarme, CIS Evaluator | Director of Additional Education Needs, Council of International Schools

Margarete Reiff, Secondary Principal & Career Guidance Counsellor, Windhoek International School

Jessica Ream, IB PYP Educator, American International School Dhaka

Tendai Carlton Saunyama, Youth development consultant, Aflatoun International

Anthony Gonsalves, Head of Curriculum, The School of Raya

Carrie Turunen, Upper School Principal, International School of Stuttgart

John Bray, Director, Discovery Outdoors

Timothy Fuller Bazin, MYP Service as Action Coordinator | IBDP Economics Teacher, Seoul Foreign School

Kathleen Naglee, CEO, Kathleen Naglee Advisory Services 

Corey Topf, Innovation Diploma Coordinator | Innovation Academy Online Director, American International School of Budapest

Doline Ndorimana, Education Consultant, The International Educator

Julia Kortt, Senior Curriculum Officer, YCYW Education Network

Dhanashree Perumal, Faculty and CORE Coordinator, UWC Mahindra College

Mita Villegier-Dhokia, IB Teacher of Business and University | Careers Counsellor, Institut Florimont

Elena Mora, Researcher, ISC Research

Adam Seymour, Assistant Headteacher, La Côte International School

Martine Derivry, Professor in Applied Linguistics, University of Bordeaux

Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir, Dean and Associate Professor, University of Iceland, School of Education

Andreas Koini, Head of School, Antwerp International School

Christine Kent, Teacher, EBIHS

Thom Markham, Founder, PBL Global

Nikki De Marco, IB DP Visual Arts teacher | Curriculum Developer, UWC Red Cross Nordic

Emilija Stojanovski, Associate Principal of Curriculum, Taaleem

Ambalika Dogra, CEO & Founder, Neti-Neti Research

Alexandra Conchard, Secondary School Principal, United Lisbon International School

Liliana Carrillo, Founder & CEO, CollectiveUP

Jan Dijkstra, Sustainability Lead, International School of Geneva

Colleen Doyle, Learning Support Specialist, International School of Amsterdam

Farah Khalil,  New Generation International Schools in Cairo

Judite Costa Williams, Educator, Waterford Kamhlaba United World College

Céline Sailly, Science Teacher | Head Of Department - Science, Bavarian International School

Chris Lynn, Head of School, International School of Havana

Mohammed Zawid Nassem,  Teacher & Former Administrator, Shanghai United International School

La Mor, Deputy Head of School, Bavarian International School

Emiliano Cori, Secondary School Principal, H-FARM International School Venice

Everett Nils Johnson, Student Council, International School of Geneva

Kristina Pennell-Götze, Head of Department - Drama & Film, BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School GmbH

Cara Amewotowu, Vice Principal, Sun West School Division

James Linzel, High School Science Teacher, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Kunali Sanghvi, Doctoral Student, Walden University

Elke Greite, Head of Arts and Design | TOK coordinator | MYP/DP Teacher, Dresden International School

Charlotte Hankin, Independant Educational Consultant

Theo Wyne, IB DP English | TOK Teacher, UWC Costa Rica

Kathryn Gorman, Education Consultant, Clarion Education

Alison Bellwood, Executive Director, World's Largest Lesson & Project Everyone

Lord Jim Knight, Chair of the Board, Council of British International Schools

Kearon McNicol, Ed Tech Director, Collège Alpin Beau Soleil

Cathy Jones, Head of East Campus, United World College of South East Asia

Alethea Bleyberg, Director, The Learning Curve Education Consulting

Katharine Burke, Author, The Earthwards Project

Beth Skelton, Consultant, Educational Consultants, LLC

Basma Zein, Primary School Teacher, International School of Geneva

Mita Villegier-Dhoka, Teacher and University/Careers Counsellor - IBDP & International BTEC, Institut Florimont

Simon McCloskey, Head of School, International School of Busan

John Dolman, Teacher of English and Media, Ponteland Community High School

Amber Koetsier Singh, Doctoral candidate, USC

Jonathan Bisson, Special Education Teacher, Oakwood Friends School

Elena Mora, Researcher/Educator, ISC Research

Nazanin Nikanjam, DP Coordinator and Upper Secondary Principal, IBEN

Steven de Souza, DP Coordinator, United World College Costa Rica

Seetha Murty, Director of Education, IB & CBSE (India)

Jordan Bowman, Middle School Humanities Teacher, American International School of Johannesburg

Jolanda Hendriksen, IB MYP DP Teacher Individuals & Societies /TOK, Pan American School Costa Rica

Gareth Manning, Learning Systems Designer, REAL School Budapest

Vibeke Asbjørnsen, Head of School, International School Breda

James Linzel, Secondary Science Teacher, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Vanessa Keenan, Primary School Principal, Bateen World Academy

Sujata DeHart, Co-Founder, Make A Difference Courses

Sophie Peccaud, Consultant for Global Citizenship Education, MAD Courses | Inspire citizens

Olga Kopiatina, English lecturer / Quality review specialist, Novosibirsk State University / Duolingo

Steven Davis, Chair, World Languages Department | Immersive Programs Coordinator, Brewster Academy

Olga Pavlova, Founder, Neurodiversity Educator, Mentor | Coach, Puzzle Tree Academy 

Blair Peterson, Secondary School Principal, International School of Tanganyika

Yoseph Lidi, Teacher, SMA Pembangunan Jaya 2 Sidoarjo

Renes Lophanor, Teacher

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